👱: Hey, so, why’d you end up choosing your career or major?
嘿,所以,你最後是怎麼選擇你的職業或專業的?👩:My career path was guided by my curiosity and passion for exploring the intersection of language and education.
因為我對語言和教育的好奇心和熱情所驅使的。👱:If you could do things over, what would you change about your career path?
口說單字庫 Vocabulary List:

- 好奇與熱忱 curiosity and passion ➡️ 我的職業道路是由我對語言和教育交叉領域的好奇心和熱情引導著的。My career path was guided by my curiosity and passion for exploring the intersection of language and education.
- 難得的機會 exceptional opportunity ➡️我最終選擇了這個專業,是因為我抓住了一個難得的機會。I ultimately chose this major because I seized an exceptional opportunity.
- 成就感 sense of accomplishment ➡️如果我能重新來過,我會更注重追求帶來成就感的工作。If I could do things over, I would prioritize pursuing a career that brings a sense of accomplishment.
- 專業知識 expertise ➡️ 我對這個行業的興趣和專業知識推動著我前進。My interest in this industry and expertise drive me forward.

- 挑戰 challenges ➡️ 雖然選擇這個專業帶來了挑戰,但我從中學到了許多。While choosing this major brought challenges, I learned a lot from them.
- 影響 influence ➡️ 我的家人對我的職業選擇產生了很大的影響。My family had a significant influence on my career choice.
- 獨立 independence ➡️ 我選擇這個職業是因為它給了我更多的獨立和自主權。I chose this career because it offers me more independence and autonomy.
- 使命感 sense of purpose ➡️ 如果我能重新選擇,我會更加重視追求帶有使命感的職業。If I could choose again, I would prioritize pursuing a career with a stronger sense of purpose.

- 創新和探索 innovation and exploration ➡️ 我的職業道路是受到追求創新和探索新事物的驅使。My career path is driven by a pursuit of innovation and exploration of new ideas.
- 技能和學習經驗 skills and learning experiences ➡️我的職業道路受到我的技能和學習經驗的影響。My career path was influenced by my skills and learning experiences.
My career path was guided by my _______________ for exploring the intersection of language and education. I ultimately chose this major because I seized an ______________ that aligned with my ______________. My family had a significant ___________ on my career choice, and my interest in this industry and _________ drive me forward. While choosing this major brought challenges, I learned a lot from them. If I could do things over, I would prioritize pursuing a career that brings a sense of accomplishment and a stronger sense of _________, while also allowing for independence and innovation.
My career path was guided by my curiosity and passion for exploring the intersection of language and education. I ultimately chose this major because I seized an exceptional opportunity that aligned with my skills and learning experiences. My family had a significant influence on my career choice, and my interest in this industry and expertise drive me forward. While choosing this major brought challenges, I learned a lot from them. If I could do things over, I would prioritize pursuing a career that brings a sense of accomplishment and a stronger sense of purpose, while also allowing for independence and innovation.