- 第1題 (Writing Task 1) :整合寫作題型
- 第2題 (Writing Task 2) :獨立寫作題型
第1題 整合寫作題 Writing Task 1
閱讀 (3分鐘) ➤聽⼒ (約2分鐘) ➤閱讀寫作題⽬ ➤寫作 (20分鐘) 建議字數250-300字
第2題 獨立寫作題 Writing Task 2
閱讀寫作題⽬➤寫作 (30分鐘)建議字數350-400字
閱讀題目 Reading Passage:
Among egg-laying vertebrates, some species, such as many reptiles, lay their eggs and then leave them to hatch and grow up on their own. Others, including most birds, stay with the eggs and care for them until the hatchlings are mature enough to care for themselves. We now have several pieces of evidence indicating that pterodactyls, large flying reptiles from the dinosaur age, tended their eggs and hatchlings diligently.
One compelling piece of evidence supporting the idea that pterodactyls cared for their eggs is the discovery of pterodactyl egg fossils in the same location as adult fossils. This suggests that these flying reptiles stayed near their eggs and provided parental care. Adults likely stayed near the eggs to fight off predators and to feed their young once they hatched. If pterodactyls were warm-blooded, it is possible they even sat on their eggs to incubate them, like modern birds do.
Another piece of evidence supporting the hypothesis of pterodactyl parental care is the presence of undeveloped wing muscles in baby pterodactyls. Because baby pterodactyls were incapable of flying immediately after hatching, they must have relied on adults to provide food and protection from predators. Young pterodactyls required parental care until they reached a stage where they could fend for themselves. A third line of evidence supporting the notion of pterodactyls as diligent parents comes from their close evolutionary relationship to birds. Pterodactyls are classified as a group of flying reptiles known as pterosaurs, which are considered the closest relatives to birds among the extinct vertebrates. Birds are renowned for their remarkable parental care, with many species displaying behaviors such as nest-building, incubation, and feeding their young. Given the close evolutionary link between pterodactyls and birds, it is plausible to infer that pterodactyls also exhibited similar parental care behaviors.
聽力題目逐字稿 Lecture:
Unfortunately, there is not enough evidence to be confident that pterodactyls cared for their eggs and young the way that modern birds do. In fact, there are several reasons to doubt the evidence that they did.
First, though there have been fossils of eggs found alongside fossils of adult pterodactyls, we cannot be certain that this means the adults were caring for the eggs. It is possible that these fossils gathered together purely by accident. For example, a flood may have carried eggs and the bodies of adults together. Or, a sudden mudslide may have buried the adults just after they laid the eggs. So the proximity of egg and adult fossils does not prove that the adults were tending to the eggs.
Second, undeveloped wing muscles does not necessarily mean that the young pterodactyls relied on the care of adults. It is certainly the case that the young would not have been able to fly when they first hatched, but they could probably still glide short distances, and their leg muscles were nearly fully developed. They probably could have hunted for large insects until their wings grew strong enough to hunt larger prey, like fish or other flying reptiles. Jumping and gliding probably gave them enough agility to escape most predators, even without the help of adults.
Third, the idea that pterodactyls likely behaved similar to their modern-day relatives is too simplistic. Genetic similarity between species actually has little bearing on behavior, as examples from modern times indicate. Just consider the incredible difference between humans and our closest relative, chimpanzees. Indeed, even within a single species, such as dogs, behavior may vary greatly based on what individuals were taught. Genetic similarity does not seem strongly correlated with how animals act. So, we cannot take the nesting and incubating of modern birds as an indication of pterodactyl behavior.
Summarize the points made in the lecture, being sure to explain how they respond to the specific points made in the reading passage.(2023年6月真題)
👩🦱整合寫作台灣老師滿分示範範文- 全文(字數:285字)
The reading passage contends that adult pterodactyls took care of their eggs and hatchlings, and several reasons are provided in support of the argument. Although the argument seems convincing and substantiated, the lecturer casts doubt on it for the following reasons.
First, even though the reading passage suggests that the close proximity of the fossils of adult pterodactyls and pterodactyl eggs, the lecturer argues that this may be the result of chance. She believes that the eggs and adult fossils may have been carried together by a flood or mudslide. Therefore, the lecturer’s argument disproves its counterpart in the reading.
Second, the reading passage claims that the undeveloped wings of young pterodactyls indicate that they must have relied on adults for food and protection from predators. However, the speaker refutes the idea by explaining that baby pterodactyls had strong legs and could glide short distances. They could have hunted for themselves and escaped from predators without the help of adults.
Last but not least, the lecturer identifies the weakness in the reading that genetic relation does not necessarily result in behavioral similarity, so the relation between birds and pterodactyls is not relevant to this issue. She convincingly points out that many species that are closely related exhibit very different behaviors. Moreover, the behavior of individuals seems to be influenced more by upbringing than genetics. As a result, a genetic similarity between modern birds and pterodactyls does not necessarily mean that pterodactyls had similar nesting behaviors to those of birds.
In conclusion, based on the evidence provided above, the professor in the lecture counters every point made in the reading passage. Although the arguments in the reading seem plausible, the speaker disproves them with solid reasoning.
👱♀️整合寫作美國老師滿分示範範文- 全文(字數:308字)
The reading passage discusses three pieces of evidence that pterodactyls cared for their eggs and young. However, the professor in the lecture casts doubt on each of the points in the reading.
First, the reading passage states that the discovery of pterodactyl egg fossils alongside adult fossils suggests that these flying reptiles stayed near their eggs took care of them. However, the listening passage counters this argument by claiming that the proximity of egg and adult fossils could be the result of accidental circumstances. For instance, a flood or a mudslide may have brought the eggs and adult bodies together. Therefore, the proximity of the fossils is not definitive evidence of pterodactyl parental care.
Second, the reading passage claims that the presence of undeveloped wing muscles in baby pterodactyls indicates the need for parental care. The professor acknowledges that young pterodactyls would not have been able to fly immediately after hatching, but argues that their nearly fully developed leg muscles and ability to glide short distances would have enabled them to hunt or escape predators. Young pterodactyls could have relied on their own abilities to survive, rather than depending on a parent.
Third, the reading passage draws a parallel between the nesting behaviors of birds and pterodactyls based on their close evolutionary relationship. However, the professor points out that genetic resemblance does not necessitate behavioral similarity. Similar species, and even individuals within a species, often exhibit very different behavior. Therefore, the presence of nesting and incubating behaviors in modern birds cannot be used as a reliable indication of pterodactyl behavior.
In conclusion, the lecture effectively challenges each point from the reading passage regarding the evidence supporting pterodactyl parental care. It states that the fossils may have been grouped together accidentally, young pterodactyls may have been able to fend for themselves, and genetic relation does not imply behavioral similarity.
獨立寫作真題 題目(2023年06月真題)
問題: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? For any business to be successful, it is a must to spend a lot of money on advertising. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. (2023年6月真題)
👩🦱獨立寫作台灣老師滿分示範範文- 全文 (字數:371字)
Opinions vary regarding the importance of advertising in business. Some people claim that it is necessary for a company to succeed, while others believe that, while useful, it is not a prerequisite for success. Both sides of this discussion have merit, but I believe that advertising is a necessary component of success.
For one thing, when a brand first begins doing business, it often sees very low sales, simply because most consumers are not aware that the brand exists or do not know what products are offered. Companies must spend large sums of money to introduce themselves and their products to potential customers. For example, when the Walkman first came out, the company paid good-looking people to walk around parks listening to the device, thus raising people’s awareness of the product. Hence, advertising is essential for a new business to become established in the market.
Second, advertising is vital for a company to successfully compete in a crowded market. When competitors can create a similar product, a company must distinguish itself in consumers’ minds, and advertising is a key strategy to achieve this. For instance, though Coca Cola and Pepsi do have somewhat different tastes, many customers do not have a strong preference between the two. As a result, both companies advertise heavily in order to win over consumers and increase sales. If either failed to do this, their competitor would quickly come to dominate the market.
Finally, advertising is a crucial method to improve a company’s image in public discourse. Corporations often find themselves in the midst of controversy, from BP’s 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill to Twitter’s role in sowing disinformation in the COVID-19 pandemic. At times like these, companies rely on advertising to convince the public that they are righting their wrongs and actually contribute positively to society as a whole. Otherwise, popular indignation would result in boycotts and financial ruin for the companies.
Taken together, it is clear that advertising is critical for a business to be successful. From starting a new business, to competing with other companies, to protecting brand image, businesses rely on advertising to stay afloat in the free market. Without it, they would quickly lose customers and be forced to shut down operations.
👱♀️獨立寫作美國老師滿分示範範文- 全文 (字數:369字)
The role of advertising in achieving business success is widely debated. While many believe that spending a substantial amount of money on advertising is crucial for business growth, I believe that success can be attained through alternative strategies. Extensive investment in advertising is not an absolute requirement for business success.
In certain cases, businesses catering to niche markets can find success through word-of-mouth marketing, without extensive advertising. These businesses often have a specialized product or service that caters to a specific group of customers, who promote the business themselves after having a positive customer experience. For example, a bakery that specializes in wedding cakes can often count on its customers to tell their friends about their positive experience. Only people preparing for a wedding will be concerned with this niche product, and they will often ask their friends for recommendations. So, such businesses do not need to spend heavily on advertising.
Second, businesses can use social media platforms to connect directly with their customers, rather than investing in traditional advertising. By creating engaging content, participating in relevant conversations, and collaborating with influencers, businesses can generate awareness, build brand loyalty, and drive sales without a massive advertising budget. Famously, Ocean Spray has used Tik Tok to successfully promote their drinks. The rise of social media has removed the need for businesses to purchase expensive TV or radio ads.
Finally, businesses can achieve success by focusing on product differentiation rather than relying on advertising. By offering superior quality or exceptional customer service, businesses find success simply by having better offerings than competitors. For instance, though many locally owned restaurants lack the advertising budget of big chain franchises, they can often outsell these competitors by offering higher quality food and friendlier service. Thus, they do not rely on advertising to find success.
While the prevailing belief suggests that extensive advertising spending is essential for business success, alternative approaches demonstrate that success can be achieved without solely relying on advertising. Niche markets and word-of-mouth marketing, social media and influencer marketing, and product differentiation offer viable alternatives. Therefore, while advertising can be beneficial, it is not an absolute must for business success, and exploring alternative approaches can yield favorable outcomes in today’s business environment.
- 第1題➤獨立題型 ➤個人意見題
- 第2題➤整合題型 ➤校園情境題
- 第3題➤整合題型 ➤觀念例子題
- 第4題➤整合題型 ➤學術講課題
第1題 Speaking Task 1
看到題目➤準備 (15秒)➤口說回答 (45秒)
第2題 Speaking Task 2
閱讀 (45-50秒)➤聽力 (約1-1.5分)➤準備 (30秒)➤口說回答 (60秒)
第3題 Speaking Task 3
閱讀 (45-50秒)➤聽力 (約1-1.5分)➤準備 (30秒)➤口說回答 (60秒)
第4題 Speaking Task 4
聽力 (約1-2分)➤準備 (20秒)➤口說回答 (60秒)
Some high schools require students to pass a physical fitness exam, in which they are tested on their ability to perform certain physical activities, such as running and swimming, in order to graduate. Do you think this is a good idea? Give specific details to support your opinion. (2023年6月真題)
🎙口說第1題 示範答案音檔
口說第1題 示範答案 逐字稿
I believe that it is a good idea for high schools to require students to complete a physical fitness exam in order to graduate for the following two reasons. First, I believe that it can promote healthy living among all people. In the United States and many other countries, there is a great rise in obesity in recent years and requiring all students to pass a physical fitness test can help take a positive step towards combating that epidemic. Second, I think that it can help students discover hobbies that they wouldn’t have otherwise. For students who don’t know how to swim, they don’t know whether or not they like it, but if they are taught to swim, they may discover that they actually love the activity. That’s why I feel this way.
口說第2題 真題(2023年06月真題)
閱讀題目 Announcement
Electronic Bulletin Board
Starting next month, posters and bulletins for clubs and events on campus may no longer be posted in dorms, the library, or the dining hall. Instead, students can submit their poster designs to the student union. Within one week, the information will be displayed on an “electronic bulletin board,” that is, a slide show on the giant TV screen in the student union. This has two advantages. First, students will be able to find information about all student events and organizations in a single centralized place. Second, changing to an electronic format will reduce paper waste.
聽力題目逐字稿 Conversation
Listen to a conversation between two students
A: Have you seen this announcement about replacing paper posters with an electronic bulletin board?
B: I sure did. I must say, it’s not a great idea.
A: Why do you say that?
B: For one thing, students won’t see as much information as before. I almost never go to the student union, so I’ll probably miss out on a lot of announcements.
A: That’s a fair point.
B: The reason people put posters everywhere is to reach as many different people as possible. Like that comedy show I watched the other week. I only knew about it because of a poster in the library where I was studying.
A: I see what you mean. But don’t you think this will help reduce paper waste?
B: I’m actually not so sure about that either. I think people will probably break the rules and put up posters anyway.
A: Really? Why?
B: The process of submitting poster designs to the student union and getting them up on the TV screen takes too long. If students need to promote an event or a club right away, they won’t wait for the electronic bulletin board, and they’ll put up paper posters despite the new rule. So, it might not end up saving much paper.
The woman expresses his opinion of the campus announcement. State her opinion and explain the reasons she gives for holding that opinion. (2023年6月真題)
🎙口說第2題 示範答案音檔
口說第2題 示範答案逐字稿
The campus announcement explains that, in the future, students will no longer have paper posters to promote their clubs and activities, but instead will submit posters to an electronic bulletin board in the student union. The student in the listening thinks that this is not a good idea for the following two reasons. First, she says that not as much information will reach students. She herself rarely goes to the student union. And when she recently went to a comedy show, it was because she learned about it from a poster in the library. Second, she says that this new policy may not actually save paper. She says that many students will likely break the rules and print off paper posters and put them up anyways, because the process is too slow. If students need to promote an event right now, they won’t be willing to wait for the electronic bulletin board. Those are the reasons why she feels this way.
閱讀題目 Reading passage
Positive Memory Bias
Although we often think that we remember events as they happened, in fact there is significant variation in how things are remembered. These differences can be more pronounced in different age groups. People who are older, particularly those above the age of 60, tend to selectively remember happy, positive feelings and events, while they often seem to forget more negative emotions. Psychologists refer to this as “positive memory bias.” One result of this phenomenon is that elderly people have fond memories of “the good old days,” which do not match their experiences at the time.
聽力題目逐字稿 Lecture
There is experimental evidence for positive memory bias. In 2003, a psychologist in Germany ran an experiment to compare the memories of young and old adults. He ran his experiment on two groups of adults, one group in their 20s and the other group in their 70s. Each group was shown a series of photographs of children. In the pictures, some children had happy expressions, such as laughing or smiling. Others were frowning, crying, or showed other expressions of unhappiness. About half of the pictures had happy kids and about half had unhappy kids. After being shown the series of pictures, the participants took a short break and then answered questions about the photos. Specifically, researchers asked about the emotions of the children shown. The participants in their 20s usually said, correctly, that there were equal numbers of happy and unhappy children. But interestingly, it was different for the elderly test subjects. Many of them said that there were many more happy children than unhappy ones. Like, some reported that eighty or ninety percent of the kids were happy. Why were they so wrong? The researchers postulate that it’s a matter of positive memory bias. It seems that the participants were totally unaware that they were only remembering a portion of the photos they were shown.
Using the example provided in the lecture, explain the concept of positive memory bias.(2023年6月真題)
🎙口說第3題 示範答案音檔
口說第3題 示範答案逐字稿
The reading passage discusses the concept of positive memory bias. It says that old people tend to remember positive memories more than negative ones. The professor in the lecture provides an example of a study performed on people in their twenties and seventies. They were shown a series of photographs of kids. Some of the children in the photos were happy, while others had sad expressions such as frowning or crying. The participants were then asked what the feelings of the kids in the photographs were. Those in their twenties tended to correctly say that about half of the children were happy and half were unhappy. However, the participants in their seventies tended to be incorrect. They generally said that there were more happy children than unhappy children. This is because, as older people, they had positive memory bias. That is, they had more positive memories than negative ones.
聽力題目逐字稿 Listening – Listen to a lecture in a biology class.
One common problem for many plant species is fungal infection, where a fungus begins growing on one part of a plant, steals nutrients and spreads across the whole plant, eventually killing the host. Many plants have evolved methods to protect against fungal infection. Today, we’ll talk about two in particular.
First, many types of plants have a protective layer called a cuticle that prevents infection from occurring in the first place. Most fungi spread by expelling spores into the air. These spores are like tiny, microscopic seeds. When they land on a surface, such as a plant’s leaves or stem, they consume the nutrients found there and soon begin reproducing. To combat this, plants cover every surface, including leaves and stems, in a slick, waxy material. This layer, called the cuticle, is hard for fungus spores to attach to. Furthermore, the cuticle is hydrophobic, meaning that water does not adhere to it; instead, water just rolls straight off. This means that, even when fungus spores do stick to the cuticle, they are often washed away by rain and do not successfully infect the plant.
However, not all plants have a cuticle, and even those that do are not always successful in preventing infection. Another tactic to defend against fungi is called leaf abscission. You might notice that the word “abscission” is somewhat similar to the word “scissors.” That’s not a coincidence. Leaf abscission is when, after a fungus starts growing on a plant’s leaves, the plant removes the infected leaves and lets them fall away from the main body. The plant does this by “cutting off” the supply of water and nutrients to infected leaves. They soon wither and fall to the ground. Removing these leaves can have the effect of eliminating a fungal infection altogether, although more often it merely slows down the process, temporarily prolonging the life of the plant.
Using the example provided in the lecture, explain the concept of positive memory bias.(2023年6月真題)
🎙口說第4題 示範答案音檔
口說第4題 示範答案逐字稿
The professor discusses two ways that plants defend against fungal infection. First is the cuticle. Most fungi spread by expelling spores into the air, which then land on plants and start to grow. But many plants have evolved a waxy layer called the cuticle on the outside of the plant. It’s hard for the spores to stick to, and even if they do land on it, the cuticle is hydrophobic. So when it rains the water will wash away the spores. Second is leaf abscission. This is when, after a plant is infected with a fungus, it will cut off the supply of water and nutrients to some of its leaves. The infected leaves will wither up and fall away taking the infection with them. These are the two ways plants defend against fungal infection that were mentioned in the lecture.

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