- 第1題 (Writing Task 1) :整合寫作題型
- 第2題 (Writing Task 2) :獨立寫作題型
第1題 整合寫作題 Writing Task 1
閱讀 (3分鐘) ➤聽⼒ (約2分鐘) ➤閱讀寫作題⽬ ➤寫作 (20分鐘) 建議字數250-300字
第2題 獨立寫作題 Writing Task 2
閱讀寫作題⽬➤寫作 (30分鐘)建議字數350-400字
閱讀題目 Reading Passage:
An exciting new technological development has emerged in the field of lie detection with the invention of a new type of polygraph. Until now, polygraphs have measured people’s blood pressure, heart rate and breathing rate to determine whether they were telling the truth, but a new device can catch falsehoods by measuring the subject’s brainwaves. There are several advantages to the new polygraph over older versions.
First, brain waves are easily detectable and measurable, much more so than changes in breathing or heart rate. Because this will greatly improve the new polygraph’s ability to identify truth or fiction, people undergoing a lie detection test will be much less likely to lie. The end result is that areas of use, such as in criminal trials, will develop more complete and truthful accounts of events.
Second, this improvement in polygraph technology will lead to lie detection data being used as proof in court. Up to this point, polygraph tests have been considered fairly unreliable, and in most courts they are only used as supporting evidence for a claim. But, with the advent of this new device, test results will be much more credible and can be used to bring criminals to justice while ensuring that innocent people are not wrongfully convicted.
Third, the ease of use and improved reliability will result in the new polygraph’s use in fields beyond law enforcement. For instance, it might be used in business negotiations to ensure that corporate representatives are being honest about the financial situation of their company or their product’s quality. In business and other areas, the new lie detector can provide important information and influence major decisions.
聽力題目逐字稿 Lecture:
The science behind the new brain wave polygraph is fascinating and it does seem that the technology is indeed superior to older versions in many ways. However, there are several downsides to consider before embracing the new polygraph wholeheartedly.
First of all, while it is the case that the new device is more successful at detecting lies than traditional polygraphs, it is still not particularly accurate. Studies indicate that the new polygraph accurately detects a lie only about 80% of the time. Furthermore, it is possible for a person to practice remaining calm while lying, making it so that their brains don’t give off the same waves as a normal liar. So, they may be able to trick the polygraph into calling them honest when they are not.
Second, because the new lie detectors are still fairly unreliable, they should not be used in court. A courtroom often relies on non-experts, such as a judge or jury, making decisions based on evidence that they might not have full mastery of. People who have not been thoroughly educated on the science behind the new polygraph might mistakenly believe it is able to detect lies perfectly. The end result could be that innocent people are convicted of crimes or that criminals get away without penalty.
Finally, even disregarding the matter of accuracy, polygraphs should not be used in fields like business. Businesses rely on brand reputation to secure customers. If a company was accused of being dishonest, the label of “liar” will be pinned to the business forever and its reputation will be permanently damaged, even if it attempts to make amends for the dishonesty. Therefore, the widespread use of polygraphs in business negotiations will be harmful to the business field.
問題: Summarize the points made in the lecture, being sure to explain how they respond to the specific points made in the reading passage. (2022年11月真題)
👩🦱整合寫作美國老師滿分示範範文- 全文(字數: 290字)
The reading passage examines the advantages that could come with the introduction of the new brain wave polygraph. The new polygraph can provide evidence of deception, which can be presented in a court of law or utilized in corporate negotiations. Despite the evidence presented in support of the argument, the lecturer questions its validity due to the following reasons.
First, the reading passage mentions that the new polygraph is able to detect lies by monitoring the subject’s brain activity, which can be utilized in legal proceedings such as criminal trials to quickly access the truth. However, the lecturer disagrees by saying the new polygraph’s accuracy in detecting lies is only around 80%, and people can learn to control their emotions when lying to deceive the polygraph.
Second, the writer’s opinion is that the technology of new polygraphs can enhance the accuracy of lie detection data, making them suitable for use as evidence in court. This can help ensure that the innocent are not wrongly punished. The lecturer contends that, due to a lack of scientific understanding of the new polygraph, people may place blind trust in it, resulting in the unjust conviction of innocent people or criminals escaping without punishment.
Last but not least, the author suggests that the new polygraph can be used in corporate decision-making as it may verify the accuracy of information regarding a company’s finances and product quality. In response, the lecturer argues this could adversely affect a company’s image, and a minor lapse in integrity could have severe consequences.
In conclusion, based on the evidence provided above, it can be clearly seen that stances on both sides are contradictory. Although the contents of the reading passage seem plausible, the speaker disproves them by solid reasoning.
👱♀️整合寫作美國老師滿分示範範文- 全文(字數: 297字)
The reading passage introduces a new kind of polygraph, which detects brain waves to determine the truthfulness of a subject’s utterances. The lecture argues that despite the advancement in technological development, there are many problems with the utilization of the new polygraph and therefore its application should be considered with caution.
First, the reading passage claims that the new polygraph is much more accurate than earlier versions. The lecture points out that despite the increased level of accuracy, there may be other factors that could confound the results, such as individuals trained at keeping calm and thereby intentionally misleading the brain wave detectors. Thus, though the new device may be an improvement over earlier ones, it is still not particularly accurate.
Next, the lecture strongly discourages the use of polygraphs in court trials, as suggested in the reading passage. It argues that judges and juries of such trials are non-experts of the technology and are unaware of its unreliability. With the possibility of inaccuracy, the use of this polygraph may very likely misguide judges’ final decision and result in an unfair trial. Therefore, the new device should not be used in court.
Lastly, the lecture casts doubt on the article’s confidence in using this polygraph in the business sector. The lecturer’s reasoning is that the image of a company weighs heavily on its success and future prospects. With an unreliable lie detector playing a key role in negotiations that should be treated with caution, in the event of a mistakenly tarnished reputation, there may be more harm than good done.
In conclusion, whilst the article explores the benefits and possible areas of utilization of the new polygraph, the lecture argues that this approach should not be carried out when this technology cannot be proven to have complete accuracy.
獨立寫作真題 題目(2022年11月真題)
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is beneficial for people to spend some time living in a country where they must speak a foreign language. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.
👩🦱獨立寫作台灣老師滿分示範範文- 全文 (字數: 405字)
Living abroad in a country where you have to speak a different language can be a difficult experience, especially if you are not familiar with the language. Although this may prove to be a difficult task for some, I find living in a country where one must speak a foreign language to be rewarding. In this essay, I will discuss the reasons why I feel this way.
First, living in a foreign country is a great way to truly immerse oneself in the language and the culture. Immersion is the best way to learn a language, as it allows the individual to not only learn the language but also gain an understanding of the culture and customs. For example, when I lived in London and spent time with my British friends, I always found their sarcasm and witty comments to be extremely amusing. As a result, I gained a greater understanding of British culture, particularly their attitude towards daily life.
Second, becoming bilingual in a foreign country can open doors to new opportunities, including employment opportunities and business opportunities with people from diverse cultures. Take my friend Lee as an example. He traveled to Mexico as a translator and established a wholesale business of his own. His business has gained a great deal of attention among Mexican youth due to the attractive prices he offers by importing fashionable items from China. If he did not know how to talk to Mexicans, his business would not have been so successful.
Finally, living in a different country and learning its language can help to break down cultural barriers and reduce misunderstandings, making it easier to engage in meaningful conversations. In addition, it can be used to bridge cultural and political divides, create understanding, and promote cooperation. When world leaders meet to discuss issues, they use a common language as a medium of communication. By doing so, they can communicate and understand each other better, thus increasing the chances of finding a peaceful solution.
In conclusion, given the reasons mentioned above, I genuinely believe it is worthwhile for individuals to live in a foreign country where they must utilize a different language. That is not to say other opinions are completely out of merit. However, I believe I have substantiated reasons to support my point of view.
👱♀️獨立寫作美國老師滿分示範範文- 全文 (字數: 401字)
In contemporary times, people travel to different countries for a variety of reasons. While many people tend to settle in their home countries, some people claim that it is beneficial to spend some time living in a country where one must speak a foreign language. I agree with this statement for several reasons.
First, living in another country and speaking the language helps people develop a stronger connection with other cultures. Language is part of culture and indicates how important certain aspects of life are to the local population. For example, when I lived in Taiwan and spoke Mandarin Chinese, a common greeting (translated) is, “Did you eat?” This suggests that eating well has both historical and cultural significance. This notion of eating well is clear: the city of Taipei, Taiwan is brimming with affordable restaurants.
Second, speaking a foreign language in another country helps individuals become stronger communicators. People are accustomed to the social norms and mannerisms in their home country. However, they are forced to rethink their assumptions around communication when they live in another country. For instance, when I lived in Argentina and spoke Spanish, I learned many nonverbal gestures that were quite different from those in my home country. I was more conscious of the way I communicated since my typical response might have been interpreted differently or misunderstood. Ultimately, this experience made me a better communicator.
Finally, living in a country that uses a different language helps build connections between dissimilar cultures and therefore promotes the cause of world peace. In history, the vast majority of international wars have been fought between countries that speak different languages, while friendly relations are often maintained between countries that share a common tongue. When people spend time living in other nations, they gain more empathy for speakers of other languages, which in turn makes them less likely to support confrontations between their homeland and other countries.
In conclusion, given the reasons mentioned above, I strongly believe that it is beneficial for individuals to spend time living in a country where they must speak a foreign language. That is not to say other opinions are completely out of merit. However, I believe I have substantiated reasons to support my point of view.
- 第1題➤獨立題型 ➤個人意見題
- 第2題➤整合題型 ➤校園情境題
- 第3題➤整合題型 ➤觀念例子題
- 第4題➤整合題型 ➤學術講課題
第1題 Speaking Task 1
看到題目➤準備 (15秒)➤口說回答 (45秒)
第2題 Speaking Task 2
閱讀 (45-50秒)➤聽力 (約1-1.5分)➤準備 (30秒)➤口說回答 (60秒)
第3題 Speaking Task 3
閱讀 (45-50秒)➤聽力 (約1-1.5分)➤準備 (30秒)➤口說回答 (60秒)
第4題 Speaking Task 4
聽力 (約1-2分)➤準備 (20秒)➤口說回答 (60秒)
Some universities expect students to choose a major field of study when they enter the school, while other universities wait until the second or the third year before requiring students to choose a major. Which do you think is better? Explain why. (2022年11月真題)
🎙口說第1題 示範答案音檔
口說第1題 示範答案 逐字稿
I believe that it’s better for universities to require students to choose a major immediately when they start college for the following two reasons. First, it can help keep students from wasting time learning things they don’t need. For instance, I have a friend who thought he wanted to be a history major, but after taking several classes, it turns out that they weren’t useful at all for his career path as an accountant. Second, I believe that students who start a major immediately can get to know their professors better. They might meet a professor in their first year who becomes a mentor for them over the course of their college career and this can be really beneficial for the student. This is why I feel this way.
口說第2題 真題(2022年11月真題)
閱讀題目 Letter
Town Bike Day
I believe that our town should host a “bike day,” on which town streets are only open to those riding bicycles. Cycling is a great way to reduce one’s carbon footprint while getting some exercise, but residents of our city seem uninterested in biking. If the city had a single Saturday on which only bike traffic was allowed, people would realize just how convenient cycling can be, and they will do it more in the future. Furthermore, the fun activity would bring people together. Families and friends would join together in making our town a greener and healthier place to live in.
William Temple
聽力題目逐字稿 Listening
Listen to a conversation between two students.
A: Did you hear about William’s idea for a town bike day?
B: I just read the letter. It seems like a good plan in principle, but I’m not sure it’s a fully mature idea. A: Why do you say that?
B: Well, for one thing, I think the real reason that people in this town don’t bike much is that we don’t have the infrastructure for it. It’s not because they aren’t interested in biking.
A: When you say infrastructure, do you mean things like bike lanes?
B: Having a designated lane for bicycles would help, but that’s not the only thing we’re missing. This town also lacks bike racks. People aren’t willing to ride a bike if they don’t have a place to park it.
A: I see your point. At least it would be a fun activity for town residents though.
B: For the residents, sure. But people visiting from out of town might not get any warning that this event is happening.
A: I hadn’t thought about that.
B: Yeah. If tourists come here on the weekend, they’ll be really frustrated if all of the roads are closed and they can’t visit our historic downtown. This could really hurt the town’s reputation.
A: Yes, I think you’re right.
The man expresses his opinion of the student’s proposal in the letter. State the man’s opinion and explain the reasons he gives for holding that opinion. (2022年11月真題)
🎙口說第2題 示範答案音檔
口說第2題 示範答案逐字稿
The letter that William wrote suggests that the town have a bike day in which only bicycles will be allowed on the roads. This will help, he says, this will help generate more interest in biking. But, the student in the listening disagrees with it for the following reasons. First, he says that it’s not that people aren’t interested in biking, it’s that the town doesn’t have the proper infrastructure. For instance, it lacks both bike lanes and bike racks to park your bike at. Second, he says that while it might be a fun activity for people who live in the town, it could actually hurt the town’s reputation, because people visiting from out of town will be frustrated by the fact that they can’t drive their cars on the streets. So, these are the reasons that the student in the listening disagrees with the idea of a town bike day.
閱讀題目 Textbook
Nectar Guards
Flowering plants rely on insects to spread pollen, helping the plants reproduce. Typically, these plants attract insects to their flowers with delicious nectar. However, some insects, called nectar robbers, consume nectar without helping to pollinate the plant. To deal with this problem, some plants receive assistance from nectar guards, which are animals or insects that attack or scare away the unwanted nectar robbers. When nectar guards are present, nectar robbers will avoid the plant, meaning that only insects that help spread pollen will eat the nectar in the flower. This ensures that the plant does not waste resources and can successfully reproduce.
聽力題目逐字稿 Lecture
One good example of a nectar guard is a species of ant that lives in the Amazon rainforest of South America. One flower in the rainforest, called a passion flower, is frequently the target of nectar robbers, especially a certain type of butterfly. Butterflies have an unusual mouth that is shaped like a long tube. This allows a butterfly to land on the outer petals of the flower and eat nectar without touching the middle part of the flower. Because it stays on the outer petals, it doesn’t spread pollen. So the flower is providing a good meal to the butterfly without getting anything in return.
To deal with this problem, the passion flower gives off a sweet smell that is attractive to ants. The ants crawl all over the plant and will attack insects that land on the petals, such as butterflies. Usually, the butterflies will be frightened off by the presence of the ants and won’t even land on the flower at all. However, the ants won’t go to the center of the flower, so they don’t interfere with bees and other insects that do help pollinate. In this way, the ants serve as nectar guards, deterring nectar robbers while allowing useful visitors to help the passion flower reproduce
Explain how the example discussed by the professor illustrates the concept of nectar guards.(2022年11月真題)
🎙口說第3題 示範答案音檔
口說第3題 示範答案逐字稿
The reading passage discusses the concept of nectar guards. It mentions that some plants have a problem with nectar robbers, which are insects that take nectar without helping spread pollen. Nectar guards are insects or animals that prevent nectar robbers from taking nectar from a, from a plant. The professor in the lecture gives a perfect example. She discusses a flower in South America called the passion flower. Some butterflies have a long mouth that allows them to stand on the outside of the flower and drink the nectar without helping to spread pollen. But, the passion flower attracts ants to it with a sweet smell. The ants crawl all over the plant and will scare away the butterflies. So, only insects that are helpful for pollination will come visit the flower. And this example clearly illustrates the concept.
聽力題目逐字稿 Listening
Listening – Listen to a lecture in a biology class
In the animal kingdom, many animals use a technique called covering to protect themselves. Covering is when an animal takes some substance or object in its environment and puts it on its body. The material used for covering varies, from mud to leaves to colorful berries. As you might guess, different materials have different uses, and while there are many different benefits an animal might get from covering, today we’ll just talk about two of them: protecting against ultraviolet light and camouflage.
Let’s take sea urchins as an example. They use covering to defend against ultraviolet radiation. Sea urchins live in shallow seawater, where lots of sunlight shines down on them. Just like humans, direct exposure to UV light can be harmful to the skin of sea urchins. Their solution is to cover themselves in sand, small rocks and pieces of seashells. Just like clothes on a human, the sand absorbs the UV light, preventing sunburn and cancer. In fact, laboratory experiments have shown that when sea urchins are exposed to more ultraviolet radiation, they intentionally cover themselves with more sand.
Second, sea urchins also use covering as a way to camouflage themselves against predators. Living on the brightly lit sea floor, urchins generally have no place to hide from birds or sea otters, which love to eat them. Unable to hide in rocks or coral, sea urchins instead attach seaweed to their bodies. When they hold still, the green plant looks like it is growing straight out of the sand, and sways back and forth with water currents. Not even knowing that they’re missing out on a delicious meal, predators just swim or fly by and the sea urchins remain unnoticed.
What is covering? Use the points and examples in the lecture to explain how it works. (2022年11月真題)
🎙口說第4題 示範答案音檔
口說第4題 示範答案逐字稿
The lecturer discusses the concept of covering, which is when animals cover their bodies with some substance and has a variety of different uses. The professor gives two examples using sea urchins. First, she mentions that sea urchins live in shallow water and are exposed to lots of sunlight, which can be damaging to their skin. So, they often cover themselves with sand, small rocks or pieces of a sea shell in order to absorb some of the sunlight and block some of that ultraviolet radiation. Second, sea urchins also use covering to camouflage themselves against predators. They attach seaweed to their bodies and when a predator is near, they sit very still on the ocean floor. To a predator, it looks like there’s just seaweed floating in the water there, so the sea urchin goes unnoticed. These two examples illustrate the concept.

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