- 第1題 (Writing Task 1) :整合寫作題型
- 第2題 (Writing Task 2) :獨立寫作題型
第1題 整合寫作題 Writing Task 1
閱讀 (3分鐘) ➤聽⼒ (約2分鐘) ➤閱讀寫作題⽬ ➤寫作 (20分鐘) 建議字數250-300字
第2題 獨立寫作題 Writing Task 2
閱讀寫作題⽬➤寫作 (30分鐘)建議字數350-400字
閱讀題目 Reading Passage:
According to the statistics from the World Wildlife Fund, there are merely 27,000 rhinos alive in the world today. Over the years, there has been a heated debate over the re- migration of rhinos. Many people believe that moving rhinos to a different country actually brings more consequences to the endangered species than benefits. First, the migration process is complex and dangerous, which can cause the loss of rhinos and thus their reproductive abilities. The process of migrating these massive animals from their habitat to conservation areas may lead to their death. Second, moving a rhino is a significant task, it may affect the fertility of the entire species if older males are selected. Studies have shown that older male rhinos are less fertile than their younger counterparts. Third, no matter where the rhinos are, poachers will still catch them because their horns are precious. The demand for this high-value animal product results in the ongoing poaching of rhinos all over the world.
聽力題目逐字稿 Lecture:
There are several reasons why many still consider the re-migration of rhinos to be necessary. First, although there may be short-term danger in transit, the mortality rate is not high compared to the risk of being poached in South Africa. Many experts agree that poaching problems in South Africa are far more serious than any other country in the world. Therefore, moving rhinos away from at-risk areas is a wiser choice. Second, some people doubt that the artificial selection of rhinos may cause the reproductive rate of the species to drop drastically. The scientists will carefully select an appropriate number of rhinos so as not to reduce the fertility of the entire species. By interfering in the process, scientists will grow the population of this precious species and prevent it from being extinct in the future. Third, the military will be involved in the program to protect the rhinos from poachers. In addition, there are several non-governmental organizations that work tirelessly on rhino conservation projects. They collaborate with governments to apprehend poachers and keep rhinos in protected areas. Summarize the points made in the lecture, explaining how they oppose specific topics created in the reading passage.
Summarize the points made in the lecture, and make sure to explain how they cast doubt on the specific points made in the reading passage.(2022年08月真題)
👩🦱整合寫作台灣老師滿分示範範文- 全文(字數: 331字)
The reading passage explores whether resettling rhinos in another country brings more harm than good to their conservation, and several reasons are provided in support of the argument. Although the statement of the argument seems convincing and substantiated, the lecturer casts doubts on it for the following reasons.
First, the reading passage suggests that the move could bring disease and even death to these big mammals. While the lecturer acknowledges that there are indeed dangers involved in the trip, they are not as serious as the risk of facing poachers at home. He explains that poaching is a real problem in South Africa, which makes remigration a much better option. Therefore, the lecturer’s argument disapproves of its counterpart in the reading.
Second, the statement held by the writer claims that moving the rhinos may have a negative effect on their fertility. Conversely, the speaker refutes the idea by providing a solid reason that the selection process of rhinos will not lead to a significant drop in their reproductive rate. Moreover, in order to establish a concrete statement, he further points out that experts will keep a watchful eye over the whole procedure, making appropriate selections to ensure the growth of the population, and to prevent ultimate extinction of the species.
Last but not least, the lecturer acutely identifies the weakness in the reading that rhinos can be safe in their destination. He convincingly states that official forces will play an active part in keeping poachers at bay. Furthermore, both the government and NGOs also work together to put a stop to the illegal hunting of rhinos. As a result, despite the great value of and high demand for rhino horns, they can still settle into the conservation area without worrying about the threat of poaching.
In conclusion, based on the evidence provided above, it can be clearly seen that stances on both sides are paradoxical. Although the contents in the reading passage seem plausible, the speaker disproves them by solid reasons.
👱♀️整合寫作美國老師滿分示範範文- 全文(字數: 324字)
The reading passage discusses the controversy around the re-migration of rhino species. It argues that the consequences of re-migrating them is overall more harmful and dangerous than keeping them in their current location. Although the statement of the argument seems convincing and substantiated, the lecturer casts doubts on it for the following reasons.
First, the reading passage argues that the complicated re-migration process may lead to substantial sickness and death. Rhinos are susceptible to the disease known as african trypanosomiasis, or sleeping sickness, and many would fall ill and succumb to the disease during re-migration. The lecturer claims that, while there are short-term dangers, the mortality rate is low and that staying in locations with high poaching activity is a much bigger risk to the longevity of rhinos.
Second, the reading passage claims that many older rhinos may be relocated, which could adversely affect their ability to reproduce, as older rhinos are less fertile. The listening passage indicates that scientists will carefully select the rhinos to be relocated to ensure there are ample fertile rhinos that can grow the population. Thus, the lack of fertile rhinos will not be an issue, as is suggested by the reading passage.
Finally, the reading passage suggests that re-migration will not deter poachers from catching rhinos, as their horns are precious and will continue to be. Therefore, as long as there is demand for rhino horns, rhinos will be poached regardless of their location. The lecturer states that military involvement in the re-migration program will keep the rhinos protected from poachers. Also, the support of non-governmental organizations that focus on rhino conservation projects will keep rhinos safe in the long-term. Thus, relocating the rhinos is the safer option.
Based on the reasoning shown above, it is clear that there is a discrepancy between the accounts of the reading and the listening passages. Although the contents in the reading passage seem plausible, the speaker disproves them through solid reasoning.
獨立寫作真題 題目(2022年08月真題)
Some believe that the best way to prompt society to help those experiencing poverty is to showcase not the hardships and sufferings of the poor but the meaningful contributions in the past towards ending poverty. Do you agree or disagree with the statement? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. (2022年08月真題)
👩🦱獨立寫作台灣老師滿分示範範文- 全文 (字數: 428字)
When it comes to how best to prompt the public to reach out to those in need, answers can vary considerably from individual to individual. Some argue that it is better to let people see the deprivations caused by poverty, while others believe that it is better to focus on the significant ways that people have helped in the past. While both sides seem convincing and plausible, my personal experiences have led me to conclude that the latter is more profitable.
First, showcasing the difficult lives of the poor can be too overwhelming, thus discouraging people from trying to make a difference. When people are faced with something they consider beyond their power to fix, their instinct is to run away. For instance, I noticed my parents quickly changing the channel whenever the story about the food crisis in Africa came up . When asked about it, they simply said that the footage of the starving children was more than they could bear. As a result, they never got to see the appeal for donations at the end of the news reports, and never contributed financially, even though they are regular subscribers to many other charitable organizations.
Lastly, compared to directing people’s attention to the horror of poverty, highlighting what has been done to address the issue is much more able to prompt people to take action. When people see a colossal task being successfully attempted, they can see that the goal is attainable, and will be more willing to put effort into it and not reject it out of hand. Take myself as an example. Because of the pandemic, many small businesses in my country have fallen on hard times. Naturally, I wanted to do my part, but wasn’t sure how to proceed. However, one day, I stumbled upon this hristian website and saw stories of those who have been helped by the group, and how the money really made a difference. I pulled out my credit card and donated to the cause without a moment’s hesitation. By foregrounding the cases they have successfully lifted out of poverty with donors’ contributions, the charity was able to convince the public that more can be achieved with our involvement.
In conclusion, given the reasons mentioned above, I strongly believe that bringing attention to past efforts to alleviate the devastation brought about by poverty is more effective in involving the public in the fight against it. That is not to say other opinions are completely out of merit. However, I believe I have substantiated reasons to support my point of view.
👱♀️獨立寫作美國老師滿分示範範文- 全文 (字數: 411字)
Within many societies in the world today, some individuals experience poverty. There have been different approaches to encourage those with resources to help those in need, such as charities and fundraisers. Some groups advocate that highlighting past progress towards alleviating poverty, rather than showcasing the hardships and sacrifice of those in poverty, is the best way to prompt society to help those in need. I agree with this approach for several reasons.
First, highlighting past progress shows momentum in a positive direction. This momentum helps people understand that real progress can be made in the future with their support. Thus, they are more likely to support the cause since they can tangibly grasp how their contributions are being used. However, if the problems of people in poverty are highlighted instead of the progress, the vast number of problems that impoverished people are faced with will be overwhelming. In this situation, many people would not be inclined to participate in alleviating poverty because they feel their contributions would minimally or negligibly address the issue.
Second, showcasing meaningful contributions allows people to better understand the impact of their contributions, thus making them more willing to contribute. For example, some organizations are able to claim that a donation of just $5 USD a month will help 10 families secure dinner every night. Well-off individuals are more inclined to support causes when there is a direct connection between their investment and the outcomes. This gives them confidence since they know where their money is going and how it will be used to help someone else. Therefore, showcasing meaningful contributions is a strong tactic to prompt society to help those experiencing poverty.
Finally, illustrating past contributions towards ending poverty increases trust with donors. People often hesitate to donate to charitable initiatives because they feel most of their donation will go to the charities instead of the impacted individuals. There has been controversy in the past with charities either being fraudulent or not contributing significantly towards the causes they represent. Showcasing past success gives donors more confidence in the initiative, and coincidentally, their willingness to help solve the problems they stand for.
In conclusion, given the reasons mentioned above, I strongly believe that the best way to prompt society to help those experiencing poverty is to highlight meaningful contributions in the past. That is not to say other opinions are completely out of merit. However, I believe I have substantiated reasons to support my point of view.
- 第1題➤獨立題型 ➤個人意見題
- 第2題➤整合題型 ➤校園情境題
- 第3題➤整合題型 ➤觀念例子題
- 第4題➤整合題型 ➤學術講課題
第1題 Speaking Task 1
看到題目➤準備 (15秒)➤口說回答 (45秒)
第2題 Speaking Task 2
閱讀 (45-50秒)➤聽力 (約1-1.5分)➤準備 (30秒)➤口說回答 (60秒)
第3題 Speaking Task 3
閱讀 (45-50秒)➤聽力 (約1-1.5分)➤準備 (30秒)➤口說回答 (60秒)
第4題 Speaking Task 4
聽力 (約1-2分)➤準備 (20秒)➤口說回答 (60秒)
問題: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? To be successful in business, a person should be outgoing and friendly. Please explain your opinion with details and examples. (2022年08月真題)
🎙口說第1題 示範答案音檔
口說第1題 示範答案 逐字稿
I disagree that business success requires a person to be extroverted and warm for the following reasons. First, I believe that many successful businessmen and women rely on their intelligence more than their personalities. For example, Elon Musk is the CEO of several companies, yet his success comes from taking risks and making smart decisions. In fact, he is known for being difficult to get along with. Second, sometimes friendliness can prevent someone from making good business decisions. For instance, my friend Oliver runs a small business. One time, he was unwilling to fire a bad employee because they were friends. So, this is why I believe being outgoing does not help a person achieve business success.
口說第2題 真題(2022年08月真題)
閱讀題目 Letter
I am writing to propose that the sponsors of the art department organize an art fair this spring. An art fair would provide an opportunity for students to exhibit and sell their works. Many student artists put dozens of hours into each of their pieces, but their achievements are not recognized by the school at large because their peers do not have an opportunity to view the works. Furthermore, the event would serve as a much-needed fundraiser for the art department. We could use the profits to build a new studio and art building. Without the awareness brought by a campus-wide art fair, it would be hard for the art department to attract necessary resources to invest in its programs and facilities.
George Lopez
聽力題目逐字稿 Listening
Listen to a conversation between two students.
Student A: Did you see the letter about the art fair?
Student B: Yeah, but I don’t think it’s a great idea.
Student A: Oh? Why not?
Student B: Well, for one thing, student art is regularly displayed in the student center. There’s no need to provide a new way for students to exhibit their art, in addition to what there already is.
Student A: I see your point. But do you students notice the artwork in the student center?
Student B: Yeah, I mean, whenever I have a group discussion with my classmates there, I always notice the wall art and displays when I have spare time to walk around the center in between the discussions.
Student A: I think you have a point here . But the art in the student center isn’t sold. Don’t you think selling art at a fair would be a good fundraiser?
Student B: I’m sure they could raise some money, but this brings up another issue.
Student A: What’s that?
Student B: It doesn’t seem fair. Why should the university spend money to host a fair, while the art department profits from their sales? Students from other departments will feel that the art department is only trying to enrich itself at their expense.
Student A: You’re saying that other departments wouldn’t have a similar opportunity to fundraise for their departments.
Student B: Right. For example, I’m in the math department. There would be no way for us to set up a comparable event, because our major doesn’t produce anything that someone might buy. University funding should be spent for the benefit of all students, not used to exclusively help one department.
The student expresses her opinion of the suggestion in the letter. State the student’s opinion and explain the reasons she gives for holding that opinion. (2022年08月真題)
🎙口說第2題 示範答案音檔
口說第2題 示範答案逐字稿
The letter that George wrote proposes that the university should sponsor an art fair in the spring. The student in the listening section disagrees with this proposal for the following reasons. First, he believes that the event is not necessary. The letter claims that art students have no way to exhibit their art, but student art is regularly displayed in the student center, providing ample opportunity for others to appreciate it. He himself frequently notices the art displays when taking a break during group discussions. Second, he thinks that hosting an art fair would be perceived as unfair. The proposal suggests using money from sales to fund new art buildings, but the art department benefiting financially from the fair would give the impression that it was profiting at the university’s expense. Other departments, such as math, would not be able to run a similar event because they have no products to sell. These are the reasons for the student’s objection to the art fair.
閱讀題目 Textbook
Voluntary response bias is a common bias found in survey results. When a survey relies on participants to go out of their way to complete it, most people will ignore the survey. The majority of respondents who do choose to complete the survey will be those with very strong opinions about the issue, skewing the results. To avoid this issue, surveys should be conducted in a way that is unlikely to be ignored by participants, thereby ensuring the collection of representative data.
聽力題目逐字稿 Lecture
Listening: We can see voluntary response bias all over the place. Let’s take last year’s cafeteria questionnaire, for example. The school wanted to get feedback on the cafeteria and so created a survey in which students would rank their dining experience on a scale from 1 to 10, with 1 being the worst and 10 being the best. The school then sent out an email with the survey to every student. When the results came back, school leadership was shocked to find that very few people responded to the survey, and those that did nearly all gave either a very high or very low score. That’s because most students ignored the email, and the only ones who did respond were those with very strong opinions. When they realized their mistake, the school changed tactics. They asked teachers to stand outside the cafeteria and give students paper surveys. Because they were asked directly by a person standing in front of them, most people were willing to participate. Without the voluntary response bias, the results were much more moderate, with most respondents giving a score of 6 or 7.
Using points and examples from the lecture, please describe what is perceptual narrowing.(2022年08月真題)
🎙口說第3題 示範答案音檔
口說第3題 示範答案逐字稿
The reading passage discusses the concept of voluntary response bias. This is when a survey is inconvenient for people to take, so most people ignore it. The people who do choose to complete the survey have very strong opinions, which gives inaccurate results. The professor provides an excellent example of voluntary response bias. Last year, the school created a survey about its cafeteria and emailed the survey to all the students. However, when they saw the results, they were surprised by the low number of respondents, and that most of the opinions expressed were very positive or negative. This is because most students ignored the email, so only a small number of opinionated individuals completed the survey. Later, the school revised its methods, asking teachers to stand outside the cafeteria to give the survey. This time, because the survey was not prone to voluntary response bias, they received many more completed surveys with much less extreme opinions. This is a superb example of voluntary response bias.
聽力題目逐字稿 Listening
Listen to a lecture in Biology class
So last time we talked about how soil can accumulate salt, a process called salinization. Essentially, it is the process in which soil that is low in salt becomes high in salt. Today we’ll talk about two methods of dealing with salinization in agriculture. The first way to reduce salinization involves installing underground pipes below the land, in order to drain excess water. When water evaporates into the air, it leaves behind minerals like salt. But when it drains away through a pipe, it takes the salt with it. So the installation of underground drainage pipes prevents salinization from occurring in the first place. What do you do if the land already contains a lot of salt? One way to solve this problem is to change the crops grown on the land. Most plants can’t live in soil that has a lot of salt in it, but there are some salt-tolerant plants, such as certain kinds of cotton or wheat. These salt-tolerant plants will grow regardless of salinization, so salty land can still be used for agricultural production even when it would be harmful to most crops. Using the points and examples from the lecture, explain two ways to deal with the problem of soil salinization.
Use the examples in the lecture to explain the adaptations of organisms using patterns to survive in the extreme climate.(2022年08月真題)
🎙口說第4題 示範答案音檔
口說第4題 示範答案逐字稿
The lecturer describes two methods to resolve the problem of soil salinization, which is when soil has too much salt content. First, the professor states that installing underground pipes can provide a way for water to drain out of a field. If the water doesn’t drain away and evaporates, it leaves behind minerals, including salt. However, if it drains out through underground pipes it will take the salt with it, thereby preventing salinization from occurring. Second, the lecturer claims that changing which crops are planted can be a useful measure to deal with soil salinization. If the soil already has a high salt content, most normal plants will not flourish if planted there. Fortunately, there are some salt-tolerant plants which can still thrive in salty earth. Planting them can make otherwise infertile soil agriculturally productive. These are the two ways of dealing with soil salinization provided in the lecture.

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