Table of Contents



  • 第1題 (Writing Task 1) :整合寫作題型
  • 第2題 (Writing Task 2) :獨立寫作題型

第1題 整合寫作題 Writing Task 1



閱讀 (3分鐘) ➤聽⼒ (約2分鐘) ➤閱讀寫作題⽬ ➤寫作 (20分鐘) 建議字數250-300字

第2題 獨立寫作題 Writing Task 2



閱讀寫作題⽬➤寫作 (30分鐘)建議字數350-400字



閱讀題目 Reading Passage
An American company that did their customer survey will purposely use an automated robot’s voice to perform the survey instead of a real person’s and that leads to three benefits. The first being that people are less willing to tell their personal information to a real person. However, when it is towards a computer system, people are more willing to share their information. Hence, the responses’ accuracy will be higher. Second, the cost of a human worker is higher than a computing system. Therefore, using the system will save the overall budget cost. Lastly, the gender of the investigator may influence a customer’s response. Therefore, the attitude and tone of the investigator is extremely important. However, using a robot’s voice will remove these variables.

聽力題目逐字稿 Lecture:
The reading discusses the benefits of using a computing system to conduct a survey; however, there are flaws within these statements. First, the reading states that people are more likely to open up to a computer, but most people know that their final answers will eventually be evaluated by a real person. Hence, when it comes to personal information, people are still reluctant to reveal their actual personal information. Second, when people receive calls from automated voices, they usually hang up almost immediately. However, when they hear a real person’s voice, the likelihood of hanging up immediately decreases significantly. Lastly, using a robot’s voice will remove the variables of having different reactions to tones and attitudes. But, people react unconsciously to different tones and attitudes anyways, regardless of it being a robot or a real person, as well as the gender. Therefore, the reasons mentioned led me to think that having a real person conduct these surveys will have a better result.



Summarize the points made in the lecture, being sure to explain how they cast doubt on the specific points made in the reading passage.(2022年02月真題)

👩‍🦱整合寫作台灣老師滿分示範範文- 全文(字數:304字)

The reading passage explores the issue of whether it is better to use an automated robot’s voice to perform a survey instead of a real person’s, and several reasons are provided in support of the argument. Although the statement of the argument seems convincing and substantiated, the lecturer casts doubts on it by identifying the following flaws.

First, the reading passage suggests that people are less concerned about revealing personal information to a computer. However, the lecturer argues that the interviewees are aware that their responses will still be analyzed by human researchers in the end; therefore the robotic voice does nothing to remove the general reluctance to give real responses.

Second, the statement held by the writer claims that it is more economical to use a computer system rather than employing an actual person. Conversely, the speaker refutes the idea by explaining that people often terminate a phone call as soon as they hear a recorded message from the other end. It is less likely for people to hang up on human callers right away. Hence, even though computing systems might cost less, and bring down the budget, having real people conduct a survey would probably produce better results.

Last but not least, the lecturer acutely identifies the weakness in the reading that the use of a robotic voice as opposed to a human investigator may remove the variables which often affect a customers’ answer. He convincingly points out that people automatically respond to the differences in the interlocutor, whether it’s a mechanical or a human voice. Therefore, the lecturer’s argument disproves its counterpart in the reading.

In conclusion, based on the evidence provided above, it can be clearly seen that stances on both sides are paradoxical. Although the contents in the reading passage seem plausible, the speaker repudiates them by solid reasons.

👱‍♀️整合寫作美國老師滿分示範範文- 全文(字數:324字)

The reading passage explores the issue of using automated robot voices to collect customer feedback instead of having a real human conduct feedback surveys, and several reasons are provided in support of the argument. Although the statement of the argument seems convincing and substantiated, the lecturer casts doubts on it for the following reasons.

First, even though the reading passage suggests that people are more willing to share their personal information with a robot, the lecturer argues that people will still be reluctant to share it. He believes that they know a real person will ultimately review their responses, so they will have the same level of hesitation as speaking with a real person. Therefore, the lecturer’s argument disapproves of its counterpart in the reading.

Second, the writer claims that using an automated system will reduce costs because it is cheaper than hiring humans. Conversely, the speaker refutes the idea by providing a solid reason that the automated system will result in fewer customers sharing their feedback, which may actually increase costs. This is because they will be more likely to hang up if they hear an automated rather than a human voice. Therefore, they will need to collect feedback from more customers to receive the same amount of feedback.

Last but not least, the lecturer acutely identifies the weakness in the reading that the gender of the human voice may influence a customer’s response, while using a robotic voice will remove that influence. He convincingly points out that people subconsciously react to different tones and attitudes, whether the voice is that of a human or a robot. As a result, using a robotic voice will not accomplish the goal of removing customer bias in the feedback process.

In conclusion, based on the evidence provided above, it can be clearly seen that stances on both sides are paradoxical. Although the contents in the reading passage seem plausible, the speaker disproves them with solid reasoning.


獨立寫作真題 題目(2022年02月真題)


Do you agree with the following statement? The most important goal of education is to teach people how to educate themselves.(2022年02月真題)

👩‍🦱獨立寫作台灣老師滿分示範範文- 全文 (字數:444字)

There is no denying that schooling plays a vital part in our lives, preparing us for the roles we play in society, and equipping us for different jobs. While people may have different views about the ultimate function of education, my personal experiences have led me to believe that it is to teach people how to educate themselves for the following reasons.

First of all, education is not about transferring knowledge from a textbook to the students, as knowledge itself changes with the times. This can be seen from the simple fact that textbooks must be updated all the time. One example that comes to mind is the number of planets in the solar system. When I was a child, there were still 9, but scientists not so long ago decided that Pluto is actually a dwarf planet, so now there are only 8 left. This is especially true in areas where there are new discoveries all the time, like medical or computer sciences. As a result, it is essential for educators to train their pupils to become teachers of themselves to keep up with the ever evolving spheres of expertise.

Second, the most important skill for students to acquire is the skill to learn on their own, because what we learn at school may not always turn out to be what we do later on in life for work. A lot of people don’t necessarily know what they want to do for the rest of their lives when they choose majors in college. On the other hand, due to changes in the world economy or the employment environment, the careers that students prepare for may simply disappear by the time they graduate. Take myself for example. As a great lover of English literature, that’s what I chose to study in university. However, after graduation, instead of becoming a literary critic or an editor, I became an English teacher. Even though my knowledge about the Romantic poets in the 19th century is not strictly helpful for my profession, the capacity my instructors inculcated in me to quickly gather relevant information and organize it in an orderly fashion turns out to be extremely useful when it comes to classroom preparation.

In conclusion, given the reasons mentioned above, I strongly believe that the most valuable lesson we can get from the educational system is the ability to teach oneself. As all of us only have a short time at any given school, whatever we learn there must last us a lifetime.That is not to say other opinions are completely out of merit. However, I believe I have substantiated reasons to support my point of view.

👱‍♀️獨立寫作美國老師滿分示範範文- 全文 (字數:444字)

Education is a fundamental aspect of contemporary society. Each society has instituted an education system that meets the unique needs of its residents and allows them to be competitive in the world. While the purpose of education has been widely discussed, my personal experiences have led me to conclude that the most important goal of education is to teach people how to educate themselves for several reasons.

First, learning is a continuous process that extends beyond the traditional schooling system. Individuals continually pursue new habits, interests, and projects that require additional skills and knowledge. When people have been taught a system for learning, they can apply it to any scenario and quickly develop the necessary skills for their pursuits. People will be more productive, make fewer mistakes, and be happier in their work and in their personal lives. For example, I learned how to write code and develop websites to start my business. If I were not taught how to educate myself, I would’ve needed continual assistance from others, which would have increased my costs and created lower motivation and satisfaction in starting a business.

Second, it results in a more informed population that makes better decisions. When people can learn on their own, they can distinguish fact from opinion and develop their own perspectives on various issues. They will be less susceptible to propaganda and misinformation, allowing them to make the right decisions without influence from special interest groups. When a major election comes up, I am able to research each of the candidates, find which one’s views most closely resonate with my own, and make an informed vote. If I did not have the skill to educate myself, I would be more influenced by others, which may not serve my own interests.

Finally, teaching people how to educate themselves best prepares them for their careers. In order to grow in a career, you must take on new projects and challenges. By gaining additional skills and knowledge, you will be able to complete new projects and prove yourself in the workplace. As a software engineer, I had to learn how to build software using new technology. By learning the skills necessary to complete the project, I demonstrated my ability to adapt to various situations and fulfilled the client’s requirements. This made me a more valuable asset to the company and led to my eventual promotion.

In conclusion, given the reasons mentioned above, I strongly believe that the most important goal of education is to teach people how to educate themselves. That does not mean other opinions do not have merit; however, I believe I have substantiated reasons to support my point of view.



  • 第1題➤獨立題型 ➤個人意見題
  • 第2題➤整合題型 ➤校園情境題
  • 第3題➤整合題型 ➤觀念例子題
  • 第4題➤整合題型 ➤學術講課題

第1題 Speaking Task 1


看到題目➤準備 (15秒)➤口說回答 (45秒)

第2題 Speaking Task 2


閱讀 (45-50秒)➤聽力 (約1-1.5分)➤準備 (30秒)➤口說回答 (60秒)

第3題 Speaking Task 3


閱讀 (45-50秒)➤聽力 (約1-1.5分)➤準備 (30秒)➤口說回答 (60秒)

第4題 Speaking Task 4


聽力 (約1-2分)➤準備 (20秒)➤口說回答 (60秒)



Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is beneficial to watch television on a frequent basis? (2022年02月真題)

🎙口說第1題 示範答案音檔

口說第1題 示範答案 逐字稿

I agree that it is good to watch television often based on the following reasons. First, we can watch news channels on tv. I believe it is important to stay updated on current events to be informed about the issues going on in society. Second, watching television is a good way to relax after a long day of work or school. For instance, I enjoy watching reality tv shows with my family after dinner. It is the only time of the day that I get to spend time with my family. Therefore, I believe watching television benefits people in a way that they increase family cohesion.


口說第2題 真題(2022年02月真題)

閱讀題目 Announcement

The university has decided to cancel lectures by guest professors because of the low student attendance in these lectures. When we invite guest professors, the compensations for their accommodations and time are high as we value their expertise. However, we have seen in student attendances that their interests are not proportional to the number of these lectures. Hence, the cancellation of these lectures by guest professors. Sincere apologies to those students that are interested in the course and sorry for the inconvenience it has caused.

聽力題目逐字稿 Conversation

Listen to a conversation between two students
Student A: Have you seen the announcement regarding the cancellation of guest professor lectures? Student B: Yeah, I have. I am really bummed out by it. I really liked the Astronomy class by Professor Kim. Sadly, the attendance was so poor.
Student A: I think the school should take partial blame for the low attendance rate though. They shouldn’t blame it all on the students. They didn’t advertise the lectures well as students tend to not check the school website that often. Therefore, a lot of students didn’t even know there was a guest professor.
Student B: I agree, students usually only check their emails.
Student A: Exactly! I think they should send these kinds of announcements through emails instead. Student B: I think that would really help people know more about the lectures by guest professors then.
Student A: As for the compensation for the guest professors’ accommodations, what do you think? Student B: I think we can reduce the cost of accommodations by letting the guest professors stay in our dorms instead of the hotel. Our dorms are of high quality and the facilities are quite nice!
Student A: That’s true, we can let them stay in the newer dorms that have single rooms, I’m sure the professors wouldn’t mind since they will only be staying for a short period of time.



The girl expresses her opinion of the university’s announcement. State the girl’s opinion and explain the reasons she gives for holding that opinion. (2022年02月真題)

🎙口說第2題 示範答案音檔

口說第2題 示範答案逐字稿

The announcement talks about the cancellation of guest professors’ lectures due to the low student attendance rate and how compensation for these guest professors’ accommodations are too high to justify. However, the students in the listening disagree with the thinking behind this decision. One of the students argues that the school should take partial blame for the poor student attendance as many students are unaware of these courses. She suggests the school should try to send course information to student emails in addition to just listing it on the school’s website. That way, more students will know about these guest professors’ lectures. Second, regarding the high accommodation cost from bringing in guest professors, the student suggests that the school can offer the professors to stay in the campus dormitory as an alternative to reduce the cost. She states that the school dorms are of high quality and the professors wouldn’t mind it as they will only be staying for a short period.


閱讀題目 Textbook

When we are unfamiliar with someone, we tend to evaluate this person through virtue by association. This means that we would look at the types of people around the person or the organizations the person partakes in to find out what kind of person he or she is. However, this way of evaluation can sometimes be inaccurate as the surrounding people or organizations the person participates in may not be an accurate representation of him.

聽力題目逐字稿 Lecture

Listen to a lecture by a Professor
Professor: Today we are going to talk about virtue by association. Have you ever guessed what kind of person someone is through looking at the people around that person or the things that person does? Well, that is a great demonstration of virtue by association. This way of evaluation might be helpful and efficient to help a decision making process smoother. However, it isn’t always suitable for every situation. Um.. for example, elections. My city was electing a new mayor and one of the candidates did business successfully and often went to charity events. Also, his mother used to be the city mayor as well. Without further thinking, I voted for him without much thought as I see him as someone who could be as capable as his mother in leading the government. However, after he got elected, it turned out he was far from good at the job and didn’t do much for the people. Many citizens were disappointed with how little he has done to remove the roadblocks for the most urgent matters in the city. This is a perfect case that shows it might not be the best approach to evaluate a person through virtue by association in every scenario.



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    Using points and examples from the lecture, please describe what is virtue by association.(2022年02月真題)

    🎙口說第3題 示範答案音檔

    口說第3題 示範答案逐字稿

    The reading and lecture by the professor both talk about virtue by association, which is evaluating a person by looking at people around that person or the things that the person does. However, the reading and the lecture both state that this may not lead to an accurate evaluation. The professor uses a city mayor election as an example. He said that there was a mayor candidate that had success in business and participated in a lot of charity events. On top of that, the candidate’s mother used to be a city mayor. So without much thinking, the professor instantly thought the candidate would be a good fit as the city’s mayor. Turned out, after he got elected, that he didn’t do much for the people and people were disappointed in him. This is how using virtue by association can lead us to misinterpret a person’s character.


    聽力題目逐字稿 Listening

    Have you ever wondered how plants under water pollinate? There are two ways that aquatic plants can reproduce. Some plants that grow in higher levels of water such as water lilies, extend their roots into the water but produce flowers above the water. These can disperse pollen through the typical ways of pollination such as by air, water, or insects. Totally submerged plants like giant kelps in the ocean and Spirogyra in the freshwater streams and ponds don’t flower like water lilies do. Instead, they reproduce by releasing gametes, which are reproductive cells, into the water. These gametes travel through the water and by chance will encounter another reproductive structure to fertilize for reproduction to occur. However, this is an inefficient mechanism because not all gametes have the chance to encounter another reproductive cell. Nevertheless, this is the same strategy as the strategy of most animals living in lower levels of water such as sea urchins.



    Use the example in the lecture to explain the two ways that aquatic plants reproduce.(2022年02月真題)

    🎙口說第4題 示範答案音檔

    口說第4題 示範答案逐字稿

    The lecture talks about the two ways that aquatic plants reproduce. First, plants that grow in high water-level areas, such as water lilies, have their roots in the water, but their flowers above it. These kinds of plants can pollinate through the usual ways such as by air, water, or insects. But plants in deeper water that are completely submerged pollinate in another way. For example, giant kelps in the ocean and spirogyra in freshwater reproduce by releasing their gametes. These gametes float in water until they meet another gamete to fertilize for reproduction. However, the lecture says this is a very inefficient way of spreading the gametes because not all of them will be lucky enough to encounter another reproductive cell. But this is what most animals, such as sea urchins, do when they try to reproduce in lower water-level areas.



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