
自從智慧型手機普及之後,老師們最大的困擾就是… 上課玩手機!!



Hey, do you think students should be allowed to bring their phones into class? Why or why not? Like, what’s your take on it?


口說單字庫 Vocabulary List

  1. focus 專注
    ➡️ Without phones, students might be able to focus better on what the teacher is saying.
  2. self-control 自制力
    ➡️ Some students don’t have enough self-control and might spend the whole class texting or playing games on their phones.
  3. privacy 隱私
    ➡️ There’s also the concern of privacy if students are taking photos or recording without permission.
  4. emergency 緊急情況
    ➡️ On the other hand, having a phone can be helpful in case of an emergency.
  1. distraction 分心
    ➡️ Phones can be a big distraction in class, especially when students are constantly checking notifications.
  2. technology 科技
    ➡️ Sometimes, technology like phones can be used for educational purposes, like looking up information or using learning apps.
  3. misuse 濫用
    ➡️ The misuse of mobile phones in class often distracts students from learning.
  4. permission 許可
    ➡️ Students need permission from their teacher before using their phones during class.



I think students shouldn’t bring phones into class because they can be a big __________. Many don’t have enough __________, and instead of listening to teachers, they might be texting or playing games. Without phones, students can better __________ on the lesson, which helps them learn more. I get that phones can be helpful in emergencies, but schools already have ways to deal with __________ situations. Also, even though __________ can be used for learning, students can __________ it. There’s also the issue of __________ if someone starts recording or taking photos without __________. Overall, it’s better to leave phones outside.


I think students shouldn’t bring phones into class because they can be a big distraction. Many don’t have enough self-control, and instead of listening to teachers, they might be texting or playing games. Without phones, students can better focus on the lesson, which helps them learn more. I get that phones can be helpful in emergencies, but schools already have ways to deal with emergency situations. Also, even though technology can be used for learning, students can misuse it. There’s also the issue of privacy if someone starts recording or taking photos without permission. Overall, it’s better to leave phones outside.

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